
Lea Hughes

Lea is a teacher of inspired wisdom. Combining over twenty years of teaching health and physical education, with yoga teaching, breathwork coaching and wellness coaching. Lea draws upon both the wisdom of ancient yogic practices and modern contemporary health and wellbeing practices, to deliver a unique combination of classes, presentations and workshops that help guide and empower individuals to take personal responsibility of their own health and wellbeing. Lea specialises in managing the stress response through functional breathwork, pranayama, meditation and restorative, breath-centred movement.

In today’s highly driven and constantly switched-on society, underlying levels of stress and stress related illness are continuing to rise.  Left unchecked this can have huge implications on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. By developing a toolbox of life skills that target each component of health, individuals are better placed to develop greater emotional resiliency and coping strategies to help navigate and manage the challenges life can present.

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