
John McInerney

John McInerney, qualified and experienced instructor with 750 hours of teaching, he has a background in martial arts with a black belt in Karate. John has completed over 500hrs Monastery School teacher training across 7 different Qigong forms and also completed teacher training in the 24 yang style and 108 long form Tai Chi forms – he is continuous motivated to share these ancient practices and runs regular classes in the Bunbury area. 

As my Master has told me: I have discovered that most of us have limiting beliefs and stories that make us unhappy, discontent and eventually unwell. I believe these limiting stories stop us from living our full potential as human beings. I like to help my students see the possibility that these stories could be untrue and then how to change them, so they can live from a more empowered and healthier way of being.  I help people experience that they are connected to and are part of something much larger than themselves. 

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